
I’m a Navy veteran. I was born into the Navy. My mother and father served in the Navy.

I didn’t serve during a war, yet patriotism and the Navy are part of my DNA. This link is connected to a story I wrote about my father and the influence his military life had on him and his family. He was committed to helping veterans to the end. I’ll never know what it’s like to have served during a war, but I do know about it thru my father. Guess in some ways, that’s why I worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs and retired with 20 years federal service.

After 22 years of voluntarily creating and administering a memorial website in honor of my father, I’ve resigned and created my own personal memorial website here.

My goal is to keep tradition and history alive for future generations, in a time when our history is getting erased.

Remember to thank a Veteran for your freedom.